How to Rotate an Array: A Complete Guide

Sun Jul 14 2024
How to Rotate an Array in Python

Have you ever played with a Rubik's cube? Imagine twisting the rows and columns of the cube to align the colors. Rotating an array in programming is a bit like twisting those rows and columns. You take the elements in the array and move them around to change their order. But how do you know which way to twist, and how far?

rotate an array

Let’s consider a real-life example. Think of your morning routine, like the one Benjamin Franklin was famous for. Every day, you follow a sequence of tasks: wake up, brush your teeth, have breakfast, and so on. But what if one day, you decide to rotate your routine? You have breakfast first, then brush your teeth, and wake up last (just kidding, that’s impossible!). In programming, rotating an array is like rearranging that routine.

So, how do you rotate an array in Python? Let’s explore this simple yet fascinating problem and learn how to do it efficiently.

Problem statement

You are given an array (or list) of numbers and a number k. The task is to rotate the array k times to the right or left. Rotating right means that each element moves to the right by one position, and the last element moves to the first position. Rotating left is the opposite.

Sample input

1nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], k = 3

Sample output

1[5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4]


  • Rotate 1 step to the right: [7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
  • Rotate 2 steps to the right: [6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • Rotate 3 steps to the right: [5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4]

Understanding the problem

At first glance, rotating an array might seem like a simple task. However, as you dig deeper, you’ll realize that the challenge lies in doing it efficiently, especially when the array is large. Imagine trying to rearrange a stack of 1,000 books. You wouldn't want to do it one book at a time if there’s a faster way, right?

Simple idea to start

The simplest way to rotate an array is by moving the elements one by one. For a right rotation, you can move the last element to the front, and for a left rotation, you can move the first element to the end. But this method can be slow if you need to rotate the array many times.


Let’s break down the solution into simple steps that even beginners can follow. Here’s the pseudocode in plain English:

  • Determine the length of the array (n).
  • Adjust k to handle cases where k is greater than n by using k = k % n.
  • For right rotation:
    • Slice the last k elements and place them at the front.
    • Slice the first n-k elements and place them at the back.
  • For left rotation:
    • Slice the first k elements and place them at the end.
    • Slice the last n-k elements and place them at the front.
  • Combine the slices to get the rotated array.

Brute force approach

When you first encounter the problem of rotating an array, the most straightforward method that might come to mind is the brute force approach. This method involves manually shifting the elements of the array one by one until the array is rotated the desired number of times. While this approach is easy to understand and implement, it’s not the most efficient, especially when dealing with large arrays or a high number of rotations.

Python code

Let’s start with the most straightforward approach, where we manually move the elements one by one.

1def rotate_right(arr, k):
2    n = len(arr)
3    k = k % n  # Handle cases where k > n
5    for _ in range(k):
6        last_element = arr.pop()  # Remove the last element
7        arr.insert(0, last_element)  # Insert it at the beginning
9    return arr


  • We first calculate the effective rotation by taking k % n.
  • We then rotate the array k times by repeatedly removing the last element and inserting it at the beginning.

Java code

1import java.util.*;
3public class RotateArray {
4    public static void rotateRight(int[] arr, int k) {
5        int n = arr.length;
6        k = k % n;
8        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
9            int lastElement = arr[n - 1];
10            for (int j = n - 1; j > 0; j--) {
11                arr[j] = arr[j - 1];
12            }
13            arr[0] = lastElement;
14        }
15    }

C++ code

1#include <vector>
3void rotateRight(std::vector<int>& arr, int k) {
4    int n = arr.size();
5    k = k % n;
7    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
8        int lastElement = arr[n - 1];
9        for (int j = n - 1; j > 0; j--) {
10            arr[j] = arr[j - 1];
11        }
12        arr[0] = lastElement;
13    }

A smarter approach

A smarter way to rotate an array is by using slicing. In Python, slicing allows you to cut the array into parts and then glue them back together in a different order. This way, you can rotate the array in just a few steps, no matter how large it is.

Python code

1def rotate_right(arr, k):
2    n = len(arr)
3    k = k % n  # Handle cases where k > n
5    return arr[-k:] + arr[:-k]  # Slice and combine


  • We first calculate the effective rotation by taking k % n.
  • We then slice the last k elements and place them at the front, followed by the remaining elements.

Java code

1import java.util.*;
3public class RotateArray {
4    public static int[] rotateRight(int[] arr, int k) {
5        int n = arr.length;
6        k = k % n;
8        int[] rotated = new int[n];
9        System.arraycopy(arr, n - k, rotated, 0, k);
10        System.arraycopy(arr, 0, rotated, k, n - k);
12        return rotated;
13    }

C++ code

1#include <vector>
3std::vector<int> rotateRight(const std::vector<int>& arr, int k) {
4    int n = arr.size();
5    k = k % n;
7    std::vector<int> rotated(arr.begin() + n - k, arr.end());
8    rotated.insert(rotated.end(), arr.begin(), arr.begin() + n - k);
10    return rotated;


Rotating an array in Python (or any language) is a fundamental problem that helps you understand how to manipulate data efficiently. Just like Benjamin Franklin's structured morning routine, finding the most efficient way to rotate an array can save time and effort. Whether you use the brute force method or the more efficient slicing technique, understanding the logic behind the process is key.

Remember, programming is about finding smart solutions to everyday problems. By practicing these techniques, you’ll not only master array rotation but also develop a deeper understanding of how to approach other programming challenges.


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