Minimum Window Substring in Python

Tue Jul 23 2024
Minimum Window Substring

The Minimum Window Substring problem has many practical applications. For example:

  • In text processing, it can help find the smallest section of text that contains all the keywords.
  • In DNA sequencing, it can help find the shortest segment of DNA that contains a specific set of genes.
  • In data analysis, it can be used to find the smallest window in a time series that contains all necessary data points for a specific analysis.

Problem statement

Given two strings s and t, find the minimum window in s which will contain all the characters in t.


  • Two strings s and t.


  • A string representing the minimum window in s which contains all characters in t. If there is no such window, return an empty string.


2t = "ABC"
3# Output: "BANC"

How to solve

To solve the Minimum Window Substring problem efficiently, we can use the sliding window technique. The idea is to expand the window by moving the right pointer to find a valid window, then contract it by moving the left pointer to find the minimum window.

Full code in Python

Here's the complete Python code to solve the Minimum Window Substring problem:

1from collections import Counter, defaultdict
3def minWindow(s, t):
4    if not s or not t:
5        return ""
7    dict_t = Counter(t)
8    window_counts = defaultdict(int)
10    required = len(dict_t)
11    formed = 0
13    left, right = 0, 0
14    min_len = float("inf")
15    min_left, min_right = 0, 0
17    while right < len(s):
18        char = s[right]
19        window_counts[char] += 1
21        if char in dict_t and window_counts[char] == dict_t[char]:
22            formed += 1
24        while left <= right and formed == required:
25            char = s[left]
27            if right - left + 1 < min_len:
28                min_len = right - left + 1
29                min_left, min_right = left, right
31            window_counts[char] -= 1
32            if char in dict_t and window_counts[char] < dict_t[char]:
33                formed -= 1
35            left += 1
37        right += 1
39    if min_len == float("inf"):
40        return ""
42    return s[min_left:min_right + 1]
44# Example usage
46t = "ABC"
47print("Minimum window substring:", minWindow(s, t))  # Output: "BANC"

Explanation of the code

  • Initialize Variables: The dict_t stores the frequency of characters in t. window_counts keeps track of the characters in the current window. required is the number of unique characters in t that need to be present in the window.
  • Expand the Window: The right pointer is used to expand the window by adding characters to window_counts.
  • Contract the Window: Once the window contains all characters of t, the left pointer is used to contract the window and find the minimum length.
  • Update Result: Update the minimum length and the result if the current window is smaller than the previously found windows.
  • Return the Result: If a valid window is found, return it. Otherwise, return an empty string.

Time Complexity

The time complexity of this solution is O(n+m), where n is the length of s and m is the length of t. This is because each character in s and t is processed at most twice.


Minimum Window Substring Python

Minimum Window Substring Java

Minimum Window Substring JavaScript

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