Product of Array Except Self in Python

5 min read

Product of Array Except Self

Have you ever faced the challenge of calculating the product of an array except for self without using division? This is a fascinating problem that tests your understanding of array manipulation and algorithm design. The task involves creating a new array where each element is the product of all elements in the input array except the one at that index. This problem is not only a common coding interview question but also a great way to strengthen your skills in solving algorithmic challenges. Curious to learn how to solve this efficiently and handle edge cases? Let’s explore the solution and master this concept step by step!

Steps to Solve Product of Array Except Self

  • Understand the Goal: For an input array, generate an output array where each element is the product of all other elements except the current one, without using division.
  • Initialize Two Passes:
    • Left Pass: Calculate the cumulative product of elements to the left of each index and store them in a temporary array.
    • Right Pass: Calculate the cumulative product of elements to the right of each index while multiplying it with the left product stored earlier.
  • Avoid Division: Division makes the problem easier but isn’t allowed here. Instead, use the left and right products to calculate the result.
  • Optimize Space Complexity: Use the output array itself to store intermediate results and reduce space usage to O(1) (excluding the output array).
  • Handle Edge Cases: Ensure the solution works for edge cases like empty arrays, arrays with one element, or arrays with zeros.
  • Test with Examples: Test the solution with input arrays such as [1, 2, 3, 4] (output: [24, 12, 8, 6]) or arrays containing zeros like [0, 1, 2, 3].
Product of Array Except Self

The "product of array except self" problem is a common coding challenge. The task is to create a new array where each element at index i is the product of all the numbers in the original array except the one at i.

Problem statement

Given an array nums, return an array result such that result[i] is equal to the product of all elements of nums except nums[i].


1nums = [1, 2, 3, 4]
2# Output: [24, 12, 8, 6]


  • 24 is 2 * 3 * 4
  • 12 is 1 * 3 * 4
  • 8 is 1 * 2 * 4
  • 6 is 1 * 2 * 3

Idea to solve

To solve the product of array except self problem, we can use two passes through the array:

  • Calculate the product of all elements to the left of each index.
  • Calculate the product of all elements to the right of each index.


  • Create an array result initialized to 1.
  • Use a variable to keep the product of all elements to the left and update result.
  • Use another variable to keep the product of all elements to the right and update result.

Full code

Here's a simple Python code to solve the product of array except self problem:

1def product_except_self(nums):
2    n = len(nums)
3    result = [1] * n
5    # Calculate left products
6    left_product = 1
7    for i in range(n):
8        result[i] = left_product
9        left_product *= nums[i]
11    # Calculate right products and multiply with left products
12    right_product = 1
13    for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
14        result[i] *= right_product
15        right_product *= nums[i]
17    return result
19# Example usage
20nums = [1, 2, 3, 4]
21print("Product of array except self:", product_except_self(nums))

Explanation of the code

  • Initialize result Array: Start with an array result filled with 1s.
  • Calculate Left Products: Traverse the array from left to right. For each element, store the product of all previous elements in result.
  • Calculate Right Products and Final Result: Traverse the array from right to left. For each element, multiply the current value in result with the product of all elements to the right.


Solving the product of array except self problem is an excellent way to strengthen your understanding of array manipulation and algorithm design. By avoiding division and using efficient left and right passes, you can tackle this problem with optimized time and space complexity. This challenge not only improves your problem-solving skills but also prepares you for real-world scenarios where similar logic can be applied to large datasets. Whether you're coding for an interview or enhancing your Python skills, mastering this concept ensures you’re ready for advanced algorithmic challenges. Keep practicing and refining your approach to become more confident in solving such problems!

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