• Python Basics

  • Python Variables

  • Operators in Python

  • Conditional Statements in Python

  • Python Lists

  • Python Tuples

  • Python Sets

  • Python Dictionaries

  • Loops in Python

  • Python Arrays and Functions

  • Conclusion

Python Modify Strings

Modify Strings in Python

Python has several built-in methods for modifying strings:

  • Uppercase: Convert the string to uppercase:
1a = "Hello, World!"
2print(a.upper())  # Output: 'HELLO, WORLD!'
  • Lowercase: Convert the string to lowercase:
1print(a.lower())  # Output: 'hello, world!'
  • Remove Whitespace: Use strip() to remove spaces from the beginning and end:
1a = " Hello, World! "
2print(a.strip())  # Output: 'Hello, World!'
  • Replace String: Replace characters or substrings using replace():
1print(a.replace("H", "J"))  # Output: 'Jello, World!'
  • Split String: Use split() to split a string into a list based on a separator:
1print(a.split(","))  # Output: ['Hello', ' World!']

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